
The Next Frontier of AML Compliance

We have successfully completed our first Dinner & Discuss event, "The Next Frontier of AML Compliance" (The UAE Edition).

Many senior executives in the UAE financial industry joined us on 7th March 2023 for an evening of conversations and insights about the future of Anti-Money Laundering (AML).

We had the opportunity to learn from your experiences and exchange ideas on how best to tackle the emerging challenges in the AML compliance landscape.

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Our Moderator

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Haseeb Ansari

Chief Compliance Officer

Emirates Islamic Bank

We are extremely thankful and honoured to have had Mr. Haseeb Ansari as our special guest moderator, providing an in-depth exploration of the AML compliance landscape. His vast knowledge and experience in the finance and banking industry was incredibly valuable as he delved into the nuances of risk management, transactional monitoring, customer due diligence and more. With his expertise, we were able to gain a greater understanding of how to manage AML compliance in today’s ever-changing financial climate.


Dynamic Conversations with Industry Experts

Our Key Learnings 

  • A bank's risk compliance framework must prioritize three main components: keeping regulators satisfied, understanding and managing the bank's own risk appetite, and relying on correspondent banks for clearing foreign currency.
  • Regulatory compliance is key to protecting a company’s reputation and financial position, while also understanding and properly responding to the organization's own risk appetite helps guard against any potential risks.
  • Additionally, correspondent banks can ensure that transactions conducted in foreign currencies are done so according to international standards.
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Our Approach to Fighting Financial Crime

Tookitaki AFC provides an all-encompassing solution for managing these components of a bank’s risk compliance framework. With its detailed monitoring and reporting capabilities, teams can quickly identify any issues or discrepancies in their processes.

Furthermore, by automating certain tasks such as approvals and policy enforcement decisions with its rules-based engine, Tookitaki AFC reduces manual effort while increasing accuracy – ultimately helping reduce the burden of compliance teams.

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Time to reform your compliances

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